Portifolio / SISTER
  • What is SISTER?

    It is a system for managing empty container terminals, which objective is to manage all the processes that involve this type of business. Among the controls offered by the system, there are the following processes: Gate In (import return, empty discharge, import return, transfer by road), Gate out (export, transfer by road, release shipment due to emptiness), estimate repair (structure and machinery), also, the system enables the management of integration with shipowners' systems through EDI and modules to program container returns and withdrawals, as well as a mobile module for field inspections.

  • Auxiliary Records

    The system is made of auxiliary tables that make up the registry and its respective controls. An example of an auxiliary record, for example, the repair table, requires specific parameters by the Shipowners, booking records, ship, ports, and carriers. The parameters in the repair table are activated when there are recording errors. The system calculates repairs as determined by the container owner.

  • Container Tracking

    Container tracking exists to facilitate the display of container information in all your passes through the system: dates, estimates, parts used in each of the passages through the terminals.

  • Receipt of Containers

    It is the registration of the entrances of the empty units in the Terminal, where the Gate informs Units entrances of their respective controls with Owner's restrictions.

    Input Types and Features:
    - Records of incoming movements in real-time.
    - Exchange issue for carriers
    - Import pre-registration
    - Discharge
    - Return of Import Containers
    - Transfer by road
    - OFFHIRE receipt

  • Reservation Record (Booking)

    Reservation information by the shipowners to control the type of container and the quantities to be released. Electronic reservation receipt.

    - Boat, voyage.
    - Classification of the type of cargo.
    - Exporter
    - Shipowner
    - Kind of container
    - Amount to be released
    - Maximum payload (Payload)
    - Pickup update
    - Port of discharge and final destination

  • Container Release

    It is the registration of the departures of empty containers from the Terminal, where the Gate informs the departure of units and their respective controls with shipowner restrictions.
    Types of departures: Record of departure movements in real-time, exchange issuance for carriers, information for shipment, release for export (ship, voyage, exporter, shipowner, export reservation control, export pre-registration, and transfer by road.

    Types of Outputs and Their Characteristics:
    - Release for road export
    - Release for export via warehouse
    - Release of empty shipment
    - Release for terminal transfer
    - Release for sale
    - ONHIRE release

  • Repairs (Workshop)

    Here you can see the registration of the entry and exit of the Workshop containers (date/time), inventory update of the units under repair, and budget printing.


  • Budgets

    It is possible a budget registration with an update of the container's status, control of franchises and repair authorization, the launch of import estimates before registration.
    Register of average elements with IICL coding.


  • Digital Photos

    The system allows importing photos in JPG and BMP formats. Users can analyze average by comparing them to the budgets
    All photographs can be automatically emailed to customers and the following shipowners: Maersk - Dert, Hamburg Sud - IAS, MSC - TP Process.


  • EDI integration

    The system allows the generation of EDI automatically or manually.
    - EDI for Gate-In/Out movements, budget, repair.
    - Custom EDI for MSC, CMA-CGM, and LOGIN shipowners.
    - Generation of files in formats: XML, CODECO, FlatFile, 322, CSV, Westin, and Destin.
    - Reading of electronic reservations (Booking) in XML, COPARN, COPRAR, and CSV formats.


  • Portable Terminals

    - Record of budgets with authorization of the containers status (authorized for repairs or pending authorization).
    - Control of deductibles and repair authorizations
    - Launch of the import budget and pre-registration.
    - Launch of Inventory budget.
    - Manufacture, repair franchise, owner man-hour, MGW, Inspection date.
    - Launch inventory budget
    - Record of average items with IICL coding (type of average, component, repair, responsible, dimensions/location, material cost, number of hours.
    - Status record after Surveying directly from Stock Inventory (authorized for repairs or pending authorization).
    - Control of deductibles and repair authorizations.
    - Inventory consultation in real-time with information on status, structure, and machinery.
    - Empty Discharge Register from Operational Port Terminal.
    - Release of empty shipment register to the Operational Port Terminal.
    - Workshop registration (entry - the start of repair, exit - end of repair).

  • Website

    - Online consultations of the system information, thus facilitating the data and reducing the exchanges of electronic mail and telephone calls.
    - Booking Reservation - Loaded units / vehicle registration.
    - Import return inquiry.
    - Scheduling checking of import container return.
    - User registration to access restricted inquiries.
    - Queries restricted by access profile: shipowners, carriers, exporters/importers.
    - Consult inventories with filters by a situation of structure and machinery.
    - Consultation of structure budget.
    - Consultation of entry and exit movements.
    - Follow-up of queries and container tracking.
    - Import return schedule.
    - Programming of dry and reefer exports.